One thing you should know before getting started and that is you have to understand tension. Tension in most hand work projects is very important and is something that comes from patience and practice. If your tension is off it can make a big difference in the outcome of your work.In this tutorial I will try to tell you where your tension is most important and hopefully this will help you along. Another thing I suggest is to read though the tutorial first and then go back to follow the steps.
You will need:
- One A5 journal ( you can make it bigger but for a project like this a smaller book is better.)
- Double sided sticky tape
- craft glue
- a sharp pair of scissors
- 3 different colours of ribbon (you can use any amount but 1 colour will make it boring and 3 is an easy colour to start with.)
Here are my tools, I used white as my base colour and pink and orange for the contrasting. |
Step one:
On the inside cover of the book, paste 3 strips of double sided tape. Make sure there are not any pages stuck to the cover. Do the same on the back cover of the book |
Put a strip of double sided tape down the spine of the book. Do not pull any of the backing off just yet |
Step three:
Using your base colour, measure your ribbon to the length of the book from the top to the bottom leaving one inch extra on both ends. |
step four:
This is how it should look when it is done. |
Step Five:
step seven:
Peel a little tape and layer about one inch of a new cut piece of tape over the last piece of ribbon, |
step eight:
Lay the book sideways which will be easier to work on. |
to make it easier for you, leave the roll of tape inside the cover and this will slightly elevate the cover and help keep the tape on the inside from sticking to the pages. |
step: nine
choosing one colour, gather up all the strands of that particular colour and pull them towards you. |
step ten:
Use your thumb to keep the ribbon in place while working. |
This is how it should look by the second white ribbon. |
Step twelve:
This is how it looks when you have finished the first side. Now we start on the spine of the book. |
Peel a little backing away from the tape on the spine. |
This is a side view of the spine. There will be no white in the spine so try not to let any of the book show through. |
Step Fourteen:
This part is optional. You can trim all the excess ribbon off and place a small piece of tape just in the center , along the edge of the inner cover. |
Cut a piece of ribbon long enough to tie the book and secure it to the piece of tape. Do the same on the other side. This will be used to tie the book closed although it can be left off. |
Step fifteen:
There you have it. If you followed the instructions properly then you should have a ribbon woven diary that resembles this one. |
Or even this one. |
I hope that I have made this easy to understand but please leave a comment if you need any asistance. Thank you for following so till next time...Chow!